Chip and Max

~Shared by Tim Allen~

Max, I wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking about you and your Dad.  We all met long ago along with Logan and Tyler at All Saints.  I have lasting memories of time I spent talking with your Dad and I know how much Tyler values his friendship with you.  Although it has been many years since those days at All Saints I have followed your career via your Dad.  I would run into your Dad every so often but we would always take the time to catch up and he would give me the update on how you were doing and what the latest was with your basketball career.  He was so proud of you as I am of my kids and I admired him for this and how he helped so many other young kids with their goals and dreams.   53 is way too young to leave this place but I can only hope that when I go people will feel about me the way so many people feel about your dad. He leaves a wonderful legacy of kindness, generosity, passion and love of his family and friends.


Tim Allen

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